Monday, October 28, 2013

Laundry Time!!

This was actually my first time entering here to the laundry store and do laundry here. 
Its kinda good for emergency time πŸ˜πŸ‘
Making myself comfy hereπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ‘

Memories remains memories

And yes , I admit that I have change but the memories in here stays the way it is and I am still loving each moments I had here. I wont forget the momeries we all shared together!
And yes, I missed the old days and old me but life move on....

Sunday, October 27, 2013

All I'm trying to say is, you dont have to go and tell the whole world about your paranormal activity that had occur towards you and now people are starting to talk shit .
Well here is the thing, when you start doing the good stuff after those activies happens, people start to say that " oh now then wanna start praying after being disturb by it. " . When i hear that my heart aches cos who are you people to say that, if he have started praying and thats good for him, at least he is praying to Allah rather then you people talk big and saying that .. It does not matter why he started praying, there is no need a reason or an answers for you people to know why, he is just doing he job as a muslim.
So people just SHUT UP and be thankful that Allah have open up his heart. Alhamdullilah!!

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