She is a friend to me
A very gracious friend for me to have and would not want to lose
Glad and thankful that i at least have someone like her in my life
How sweet and pretty she is for someone to love for all of their life
A kind hearted young lady that people around her wont forget who is she
and what she are
She is a sister to me
Even though we are far apart
She is a caring and thoughtful sis that she could be
And as a stalker is what she like to be (hehhehe)
A cheerful and happy go lucky sister she is
And i wish that i could always be there where she is
Tonight will be the night that i wont forget of her
This is not what we all expacted
But hang in there
As an angle will come from me to you
Like people say , or whoever would
Let enjoy our day like the last
And live our life life the best
May god always protect our love ones
As you are one of my love ones
This is a poetry that i write whatever i can from my heart to her (sis/bestfriend)
Hope it is nice to be read and u all understand it well ,, LOL !
Even though it is so heart breaking to hear that news from her , i still respect her.
Sis !! Hope u like it
I will always love u .