Monday, August 30, 2010
Off lately
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Charming Decent Guy #11
Time to let go
Every morning ,
I wake up to school and hope that I see is you
But whenever that I do ,
You turned away as if you don't even bothered like I thought you do
You didn't even talk to me like how you talk to others
You didn't even give me a chance to smile at you like I could
I don't understand why am I madly in love with you while you acted this way towards me.
Even mum ask me to stop saying your name while you might not even said my name once.
You might be rich and have a career but i don't think that I love you for that.
I love you for who you are and not who you been .
Despite all those mixture feelings that i had of you
I chose that it is time for me to let the feelings go in the ocean of blue
and glue my heart away from you .
Even how charming decent looking you are
I still harsh my urge to cry and let me stay away far from you.
Please ,
as I am not strong enough for all this .
What I want from he seems not coming true.
~ Siti An Nurul Binte Mohamed Y
- I think the chapter is coming to an end .. -
Charming Decent Guy #10
Unseen Love
I never think that I could be falling in love with a guy like you
We see each other most of the days but do not acknowledge one another
Those decent and innocent look of yours just brighten a smile on my face
and just makes me daze.
You are not like any other guys out there which is just acting cool to impress girls
You are being yourself and without your notice,
You impress me.
You might not see the love that I'm having towards you
but I might see the passion of ambition in you.
People may say you weird or what so ever
but in my eyes you are nothing near weird
You are just a boy who is just being Original and having passion in what you love.
I wish you would have notice the feelings that I am having ,
as I don't think I could hang on any longer.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Buke puase with part of 4H
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Please dont leave
Ya Allah... Tolong kami ya Allah .
Jangan la ambil die dari kami ya Allah ..
Panjangkan la hidup die .
Kasiankan la keluarga Cik Mamat Ya Allah .
Kasi la die peluang untuk melihat anaknye menikah ..
Tolong la ya Allah . Kami semua memohon kepada mu ...
Jangan ambil nyawa die dulu Ya Allah ..
Tolonglah ....
Ku memohon.
Kami semua memohon.....
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Far from you ; I heart you, you haunt me

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Charming Decent Guy #9
I don't know ...
Only Allah knows when will I stop or won't stop admiring him .
But for what I know now ,
I'm not going to wait for you Hykal .
I leave it all to Allah to handle it .
As for me , I will just redoh with whatever decision Allah have made for me about him.
And yes people , the charming decent guy name is Hykal.Mohamed Hykal .
There I said it ..
I'm not waiting for you but I'm just going to continue admiring you until the feeling goes off by itself .
I don't know what is your feelings towards me but if you do have the same feelings ,
I just pray to Allah to show me ,help me .
I can't denied myself , I admire you for who you are .
You are Original for me . From what i see , you are not faking yourself .
You are just being who you are.
I like that about you .
Nail Polish
i hate it so much !
I want to start hating Nail Polish .
hahahha ^^
Going to remove the hideous colour off my nails soon .
No more nail polish for me please :)
Im quiting .. Wth , :D
Monday, August 2, 2010
Boredome in class
Sunday, August 1, 2010
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