Thursday, August 19, 2010

Charming Decent Guy #10

Unseen Love

I never think that I could be falling in love with a guy like you

We see each other most of the days but do not acknowledge one another

Those decent and innocent look of yours just brighten a smile on my face

and just makes me daze.

You are not like any other guys out there which is just acting cool to impress girls

You are being yourself and without your notice,

You impress me.

You might not see the love that I'm having towards you

but I might see the passion of ambition in you.

People may say you weird or what so ever

but in my eyes you are nothing near weird

You are just a boy who is just being Original and having passion in what you love.

I wish you would have notice the feelings that I am having ,

as I don't think I could hang on any longer.

~ Siti An Nurul Binte Mohamed Y

Dedicated to Hykal .

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