Sunday, October 10, 2010

Boring to the max

Most Boring Day Ever !!!

Today is so boring !! I had moodswing and that's really not good.

Stress about the MOST STUPID PROJECT EVER !!

Stress about tomorrow outing to fafa's pit.

I'm still sick but people just doesn't seems to realise.

Shazly dosen't seems to care either....

He never ask me if I'm feeling better or not ..

He just say " kesiannye die "


What the ....


No mood to text him but still did as he message me .

So just reply ....

But what i'm trying to say now is...

I'm freaking bored and easily could get moodswing and i'm still sick and I'm so stress up !!

ARGH !!!!

How howw ..

Haiyoooo .

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