By reading most of my recent posts are just funny .
The way I used to say stuff.
The way I say about Shazly and all ..
Like how I used to FANCY him before being in relationship with him .
It is like looking at how I used to be and feel .
-Things just change don't they .-
I used to say that we are just going to be friends but we ended up being together in relationship
Things just change , before and after ..
Being in this relationship,
there are Ups and Downs.
We fought alot . I admit that .
But somehow I am just scare of losing you too at the same time .
I might be angry at you at have the HATE feeling inside .
But I won't forget our happy moments .
- How you hold me with care as if I'm a pregnant women when I'm not
- Sending me home always after we met
- Not wanting to hit me hard
- We shared laughters together
- You fed me while I don't want to eat
- You gave me medicine while I'm sick and hug me always
- Like how you suddenly carry me up and swing me around and we fell
- I fed you Ice Kacang
- Our first photo taking at Vivo
- The way you look at me
- You say "Baby Nurul" eventhough somehow it irritates me
- The kisses that you gave
and more i guess ...
Thanks Shazly . <3>