Tick Tock Tick Tock ~
The clock is ticking, reality day by day passes
How scary to know whats going to happen next
Day by day all he was talking about was his work
not even caring about how my well doings.
;and that day by day
my fantasy which partly my reality began to be more caring
My heart began to juggle
Smiling all the way looking at the messages
Dear Reality, Dear Fantasy,
Will reality win ?
Because we already made the deal and plans.
Will he start loving me back and start appreciating me?
Will be start to show more care n concerns?
Will fantasy be the one im chasing for?
Knowing he likes just the opposite of me
but he cares for me, as a pen-pal
He is there for me
and my well beings.
Or it is just me ?
Reality & Fantasy just wont collide ~