Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The day I fall off back to reality

Say goodbye to fantasy , cause thats never gonna happen
Thank you making me realise so much that I did not
Im no longer the star that you would wanna reach for

You know the truth already
U know everything already, 
well all not but those important ones you know

I dissapoint you so much
and im sorry for that
You thought that Im pure, the shining star
while the truth im just an old rusty star 
that no longer can shine as bright as others

I shall move on from my fantasy and move back to reality
I learnt so much without realizing

Jodoh di tangan Allah
Kita hanya merancang
Tapi Allah yang menentukan
Allah knows best

I am shame of my mistakes
and yes I wanna move forward n not look back

Thanks for being there for me Mr fantasy
May Allah ease your affairs too 
Be happy

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