Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Fire & Ice

In marriage , there is always a person that have to be the Ice
We both cannot be the fire as it will flame up and make situation more worse.

Day by day , the journey of my marriage is  not easy
People say the first few years of the marriage is the hardest of all ..
I agree.

Nearly 6 months of my marriage, 
There is the good times and the bad times and the miserable times.

Really.. Miserable , but at the end of the day,
You are married to the person love of your life.

I couldn't go far being n getting upset or angry towards him for long.
The feeling of wanting to be close and clingy and the hugs also at the urge .

And now , when I am carrying your child, Our child, in my tummy
I couldn't be more happy and thankful
And my love towards you always will be in my heart

Just don't keep hurting my heart aite.

I love You
I love Us
I love Our Child

Through Think & Thin
We Will Get Through This Life Together .

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